

Who am I?

Hey guys, I'm Juan Zavaleta, a 24 year old almost Entrepreneur from a little Spanish speaking country named El Salvador. I'm trying to put my ideas on the internet not only to learn a new world but also to make money and most importantly help people along the way.

How did I ended up here?

Since the beginning of my life I was always very creative and innovative in my way of thinking, unfortunately I didn't do anything about it, I just lived my life until I was 19 years old when my father lost his job and had to leave home. I watched him struggle and I struggled too since my mother didn't have enough to pay for my education. Devastated and confused I asked myself a lot of times after seeing my dad fail to get a job: "how he can't get a job after being so academically prepared? Is there any other way? Do I have a chance when I haven't finished my education either?

I searched for a job but I couldn't find it; in reality I didn't want one, I thought that getting a job wasn't a solution, I had to get one nonetheless (and I got one after all) but then I thought something, I stumbled with the most simple but hardest truth of my life..."I have to learn from my job but then, I must become an Entrepreneur!"

Since there isn't a strict guide to become one I began to make one for me, I began to brainstorm and create crazy ideas but then I realize that due to my country's insecurity and my lack of money there was only one true path for me to follow: the "Online Path".

Why am I writing the Entrepreneur Transition blog?

I'm writing this blog for 3 important reasons:

  1. To learn: There is always something to learn from and I want to learn how to create an online community, how to manage blogs, social media, followers and every aspect of the Online Interaction.
  2. To share: To make the world know about the path between an Employee and an Entrepreneur, to teach and learn those things that the "be a successful Entrepreneur" books don't or can't teach you because you aren't a full Entrepreneur yet. 
  3. To help: I was part of the Scout Organization and as them, I firmly believe that before all, there is an undeniable duty to help those in need, unfortunately, we can't help someone if we can't even help ourselves and that is why I want to make sure that we have the proper knowledge and mindset so we can't help other people with all our might.
Since the "Online Path" is the only want that lets you communicate with a lot of people at the same time with minimum amount of capital and a maximum amount of personal contact, I decided to go here and start. There will be a lot of changes in the way but life without changes is boring and sad.

 As a side note:

What I write here, I do so from experience, either on the Entrepreneur side or on the Employee side. I don't consider myself and expert but I will do my best to leave you with the learning experience and with at least a guide. 

Remember that the conversion to Entrepreneur is difficult; it requires Willpower, Commitment and Creativity. 

From my blog you will not get any rule set in stone, any 100% success tip or a quick way to be an Entrepreneur; you will get a guide, the stepping stones you need, experience and recommendations; after all, there is no absolute truth about being an Entrepreneur, only your experiences and creativity!

Thanks for reading and welcome! Hope to see you around!

Juan Zavaleta